Desde dos lugares diferentes, el deseo de estar juntos de una pareja borra la distance. Sus ojos se entrelazan y de la misma manera sus mentes. Surge un dúo que dura hasta que la realidad regresa.
In two different places, a couple's desire to be together erases the distance. As their eyes lock so do their minds. A duet ensues until reality kicks back in.
A film by
Leticia Silva
Armando Guerra
Coreography by
Leticia Silva
Jairon Pérez
Editing by
Leticia Silva
Armando Guerra
Photography and color grading by
Armando Guerra
Postproduction and digital cleanup by
Albert Val
VFX by
Albert Val
Sebastian Schmidt (
Ubereck, Munich)
Niklaus Hofer (
Ubereck, Munich)
"Absolute Zero"
By Alex Arcoleo and Martin Felix Kaczmarski
By Marc Hoad and Richard Lacy
Filmed in Havana, Cuba